Revision for Religions - April 28, 2024, 1:51 p.m.
The information below was originally written on Apr 28, 2024. The contents may be incorrect, mispelled, badly formatted, or missing files. Proceed with caution.

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Updated content

All major religions of Threa are listed here for easy reference. Each has its own page, rather than being detailed on a given civilization's page, because they can spread beyond the borders of their respective founders. Also, a single civilization can include multiple, different religions, if it is tolerant enough. Simply put, big religions and civilizations are not necessarily tied to each other, and both are such complex, rich topics that they demand a page each.

Minor religions do not have a page of their own; they are explained on the page of their harboring civilization.

The entries on religions are each written as if the beliefs were fact. It is easier to write this way and shows you the perspective of a given religion's followers. Naturally, the religions and their tents are all subjective faith and not objective fact.

List of Religions