Revision for Credits - Feb. 5, 2023, 11:36 a.m.
The information below was originally written on Feb 05, 2023. The contents may be incorrect, mispelled, badly formatted, or missing files. Proceed with caution.

Reason given for below revision:


World Building

Threa has been created by Rackiera Kzera and Draa Gul.

Draa Gul wrote most of the lore (page content), but the following people – apart from Racky herself – contributed through suggestions, discussions, and helpful information:

  • Macheon, Biology Consultant
  • Zu/Yanaki, Chief Complainer
  • Kaitax
  • Ulkjen/Bine
  • Karrades

Rackiera Kzera has created most of the artwork and set up the website. Draa Gul wrote most of the lore (page content).

Website Development

Rackiera has done the grand majority of the website development.

However, we want to thank Zzacku for his help with the database and virtual machine.


Some of the artwork may be from other artists. Their artwork has been uploaded with their permission, and they are credited for each artwork individually. See the [[gallery]]; you can find the artist and source of each image there.

We also want to thank Karrades for his 3D models of Threan creatures. While they have found no use on this website, we still appreciate the appreciation of our work through the creation of fan content.