Revision for Dragons - Dec. 21, 2024, 12:28 p.m.
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Dragons are the mightiest collection of organic species in all of Threa. Widely varied and yet alike, these beasts have miraculous abilities unknown to any other species; they can breathe fire, breathe poisonous gases, spit acid, are venomous, or can withstand extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Ranging in size from less than a drakling to utterly massive sea monsters, dragons cover the entirety of Threa with variety and mastery.

The various species of dragons are sorted into one of two categories: true dragons (also known as kul) and lesser dragons. The key differences are how they use magic and their degree of intelligence.

All true dragons are superior magical creatures, and they are all capable of using magic creatively as well as instinctively. They are aware of their powers, and they experiment with them to improve them. It is their sapience that permits this. All true dragons are of a heightened intelligence, similar to that of a humanoid. While some may appear a bit dim even besides the average wolshak, others are much more intelligent than the average drakling.

Lesser dragon species vary in their magic ability. Some lesser dragon species are superior creatures, some inferior, and some possess no magic abilities at all. A lack of sapience is their common denominator. They are animals, not people. Some are smart in the way that some aquatic mammals are smart, but none of them possess an intelligence that is akin to that of an adult humanoid.

What all dragons have in common is their general anatomy. They posses a head, usually mounted on top of a long neck, a tail, and six limbs: four legs and a pair of wings. These appendages vary in length and design from one species to the next, but their number is the same. However, it is possible that ground-dwelling species of dragons have very devolved wings, mere stumps. The wings of some species are scarcely visible because they are just bones hidden under their hide. Others may have, over the course of their evolution, repurposed their wings into climbing limbs rather than flying ones. In short: Not all dragons are capable of flight.

The body shapes the species possess range from that of a lizard or crocodile to that of a feline (with wings). It depends on their habitat and method of acquiring sustenance. Most dragons are carnivores or piscivores, but there are omnivorous and even herbivorous species as well.

More information is found on the individual pages of the draconic species in question.